Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020 Free Download Latest Version. It is full offline installer standalone setup of Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020.

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020 Overview

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020 is comprehensive application offering all the necessary tools you need to uninstall programs, speed up and fix your PC, protect your privacy, remove lots of annoying plugins, toolbars and browser hijackers that other uninstalling tools don�t even detect and remove. It is an intelligent software that makes your computer run more efficiently by removing applications and files left behind after you uninstalled that you no longer use. In addition, the program performs a number of cleanup activities, making your computer more secure. The program also includes an installation monitor that tracks changes made during the installation of a program, so it can revert them if you ever want to uninstall that program.It also helps you free disk space by detecting and removing duplicate files and lets you turn on the Windows file compression if needed.The application comes with a simple and straightforward interface making uninstalling a program as easy as selecting its name from a list, or dragging and dropping a file or a shortcut on the Advanced Uninstaller PRO desktop icon. You can also download DoYourData Uninstaller Pro Free Download.


Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020 is a powerful tool that repairs broken registry entries, cleans non-functional Start Menu shortcuts, removes fonts and gets rid of startup programs that slow down your PC. The program helps you get rid of potentially existing stubborn programs that simply won�t appear in your add-remove programs dialogue.The application includes a built-in Startup Manager giving you full control over the programs that are automatically started by Windows, and offers you detailed information about each of them, including advice about what the program does and whether you should disable it. Besides this, it also includes a huge knowledge about the startup program descriptions, giving you the ability to distinguish between essential Windows components that you want to keep, and dangerous spyware programs that you want to remove.The application also provides you with a few browser tools ready to help you protect your privacy and manage Internet-related data, such as cookies, the browser history, temporary files, plugins, and add-ons, or toolbars as well as delete files and folders in a way that prevents them from ever being recovered, even by data recovery software. It can also remove browser toolbars and hijackers that may hamper your browsing experience. The tool, however, also includes a Registry backup utility that lets you easily back up and restore the important system file when it gets damaged or lost. Using this smart application, you can also tweak Internet Explorer configuration settings, manage and uninstall fonts, uninstall unwanted Control Panel applets, and perform other system tasks efficiently. You can also download File Magic Free Download.


Features of Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020

Below are some noticeable features which you will experience after Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020 Free Download

  • The perfect tool for uninstalling programs, speeding up your PC and protecting your privacy.
  • Removes lots of annoying plugins, toolbars and browser hijackers that other uninstalling tools don�t even detect and remove.
  • Makes your computer run more efficiently by removing the left-over applications and files.
  • Performs a number of cleanup activities, making your computer more secure.
  • Uninstall, disable and enable Control Panel icons.
  • Automatically find and delete the non-working shortcuts on your desktop and Start menu.
  • Helps you free disk space by detecting and removing duplicate files.
  • Lets you turn on the Windows file compression if needed.
  • Repairs broken registry entries.
  • Cleans non-functional Start Menu shortcuts.
  • Gets rid of startup programs that slow down your PC.
  • Find and delete garbage and temporary files.
  • Manages the fonts installed on your computer.
  • Delete the Internet history and information about the pages you visited, addresses you typed, cookies, etc.
  • Removes potentially existing and stubborn programs that simply won�t appear in your add-remove programs dialogue.
  • Includes a Registry backup utility that lets you easily back up and restore the important system file when it gets damaged or lost.


Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020 Technical Setup Details

Prior to start Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020 Free Download, ensure the availability of the below listed below system specifications.

  • Software Full Name: Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020
  • Setup File Name: Advanced.Uninstaller.PRO.13.12.rar
  • Setup Size: 11 MB
  • Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
  • Compatibility Mechanical: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (x64)
  • Latest Version Release Added On: 08th Jun 2020
  • Developers: Advanced Uninstaller PRO


System Requirements for Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020

  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
  • RAM: 128 MB
  • Hard Disk: 50 MB
  • Processor: Intel Pentium IV or higher

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020 Free Download

Click on the below link to start Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2020 Free Download. This is a full offline installer and standalone setup for Windows Operating System.

Before Installing Software You Must Watch This Installation Guide Video


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